My experience at BEA had so far been a giant success. I had met great people, discovered new titles I was excited about, and had less business cards. Now, it was time to go (slightly) back to my roots with Book Con day. Christine and I were coming in with a non-blogger friend who was very excited. I had expected Book Con to be similar to what Power Readers were, or the experience.  My was I wrong. Let’s talk about the line first. Since our friend had book con only access (I had no idea it was going to be separated!) we had to wait on this huge, and I mean huge, line that sent us outside by the parking lot deep in the middle of sketchy. It was not a good start.

Once the doors were opened, the crowds! Now BEA wasn’t crowd-free, but it was NOTHING like this. This was suffocating. It was utterly ridiculous. Now, time for Strike 2. Where was Penguin. The main Harpercollins? Sourcebooks? Yeah, on the BEA side. It was ridiculous and disappointing. How can some of the main publishers say no thanks? Harpercollins had a small booth, but all of their galley drops I wanted to go to was at the BEA side where I had to choose between books I really wanted and staying with my friend. I chose the books as she joined me later, btw. I got Falling into Place, Tape, and a couple others. But Tape was what I really wanted. I got to be first on line and met my new friend Jordan again.

I was not happy about Book Con at all. Not happy about how it was being run. How the crowds were. Everything was just too much. There were hardly any books to get. It seemed like a wasted day, to be honest. I got some good books signed (Yay!) but was it truly worth it, I’m thinking no. I don’t think I will go on Saturday again.

Now for the fun part. The final haul.

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Now, there’s 70 books there. 70! That’s not even all the books I got. I forgot to add my YA giveaway in there, plus the other 15-20 books I have already given away. I have got, in total, probably over 100+ books from this year’s conference. Holy. Even I’m impressed with myself. Shall I go smaller next year? I don’t know. It’s nice that I don’t necessarily need to spend money on more books while I’m starting my own crafting business right now. Lots to read. Lots of good stuff to read.

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Here’s a closer look at each pile.  See a title you have? Like? Want to read?

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Look, it’s Tape! I’m excited for that one. And others like The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street and An Italian Wife. Oh the books!

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More books!!!!

There you have it! My last day and the big haul. Hope you enjoyed reading about my BEA adventures. I had so much fun for my first time. I can’t wait to do it again next year. It was so nice meeting some of you. I hope to meet many more of you, too. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

Next posts coming up for this coming week:

 Book Review- The Museum of Intangible Things by Wendy Wunder

 Film Review: The Invisible Woman (book to movie adaptation) 

 Meme: TBR Thursday

 Book Review: The Collector of Dying Breaths: A Novel of Suspense (Reincarnationists #6)  by M.J. Rose